Press Release
By Alexander Nikolaev
Since their first appearance on the market, USB drives have turned into an indispensable means of data transfer and exchange. Highly affordable, compact, lightweight, fast and easy to use, they efficiently solve the problem of transferring large amounts of data from one system to another without using writeable optical disks or networks. However, their ease of use also has a flipside. Connecting a flash drive to a computer and copying information to it takes seconds these days, which makes it a weapon of choice for potential thieves of all kinds. If you are looking for a way to reliably protect your information from being stolen by someone who plugs in his USB drive into your laptop when you walk out to grab a latte, try MyUSBOnly!
MyUSBOnly is a powerful and highly efficient data protection tool that blocks the connection of unauthorized USB drives to your system. Any drive that is not on your "white list" will just be denied access to your data. Besides blocking unauthorized devices (USB drives, MP3 players and other flash-based gadgets), it secretly logs all USB connections, disconnections and file operations. You can configure the program to send a syslog notification whenever an unauthorized device is connected to your system. These monitoring features allow you to identify intruders and prevent such things from happening in the future. The reporting capabilities of the program can be further extended by the DeepMonitor Report Manager plug-in. This valuable add-on provides you with an impressive package of advanced logging and reporting features, including a detailed event log, an activities journal with an advanced search filter and a comprehensive dashboard listing recent activities and access statistics on the same screen.
Try the demo version today to test the great protection potential of MyUSBOnly. It's small, functional and comes at a price you definitely can afford. And yes, don't forget - purchasing a valid license entitles you to free lifetime updates!
We offer you a 30-day unconditional money back guarantee! 100% satisfaction or your money back. |
Microsoft Windows XP, Server 2003, 2008, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11 - MyUSBOnly is not a resource-consuming utility. |